About Dale Moulton - The Quest for Answers

Dale grew up in Australia and was educated at Geelong Grammar. From an early age, his intelligence and adoration of horses were well documented. Dale satiated his irrepressible thirst for knowledge outside the classroom through books, self-teaching, and brilliant mentors. Horses were his focus, he wanted to know everything about them. 

Dale’s love of horses goes back to his first interactions around four years old and throughout his life, his love and adoration for them have never diminished. In his search for greater meaning and understanding, he spent time in Asia watching and learning from horsemen who for centuries, have depended on the health and integrity of their horses to survive. Dale was amazed at the difference compared to the horses of the western world. Aged horses, hot, agile horse breeds, elderly near toothless horses, all kinds of horses simply thrived with calm, trainable temperaments, endurance, and beautiful condition, free of most issues western horse husbandry has to deal with.

On returning to Oz, Dale set about translating what he had learned, seeking to emulate the process these master horsemen used, and produce an artisanal horse feed capable of mass production, for the benefit of horses all over the world. This, says Dale, would be his gift to the horses he loved so much. For years the methodology of commercial production eluded him, and finally, when this was quantified, production began in Texas USA. In 2007, Thrive Feed was born, and over the course of 13 years, has grown to feed thousands of horses in America, and more recently, the United Kingdom. 

Dale continues to devote his passion and knowledge for the betterment of equines through the education of their owners. Helpfully for us, he is never more than an email away.