About Dale Moulton's Equine Nutrition

About Dale Moulton's Equine Nutrition

History of Dale Moulton's Equine Nutrition 

Dale Moulton's Equine Nutrition is carefully designed to emulate nutrient dense grass, so the feed is recognised and processed in a way equines are designed to eat.

In America, Dale’s feed evolved from a natural feeding concept, centuries old, into a household name: Thrive Feed.  

With Two Mares granted exclusive distribution to the UK by Dale, Thrive Feed was tweaked especially for the needs of UK/EU equines and manufactured much closer to home to create Dale Moulton's Equine Nutrition.  This innovative horse feed is created using the latest technology, the best ingredients and the most advanced processing, notwithstanding the concept of neutralising enzyme inhibitors in raw grain which has been around for a long time.  

Our Ingredients

Dale's fundamental requirement is that ingredients must be raw and of the highest quality.  By-products, ground roughage products, generic ingredients or human food production waste products are most definitely out!  Any pure ingredient coming into the feed mill is rigorously tested for purity and quality and either accepted inside the manufacturing plant or sent back to the grower.  Bottom line: what goes into Dale Moulton's Equine Nutrition you would be happy to eat yourself.  We have and can tell you it tastes like a bran based breakfast cereal with a hint of seaweed!

Pure natural ingredients gently steam cooked to create a forage based superfood

High in fibre       No raw starch       Low in sugar

What you feed dramatically affects the health and wellbeing of your horse. Wet steam extrusion slowly cooks the raw ingredients whilst preserving nutritional content.  This process also renders raw starch water soluble, thereby allowing the equine's digestive system to treat Dale's feed as if it were grass.  Simply Feed to Thrive for amazing results.


Supreme quality, gently steamed cooked Alfalfa, chosen for its bio-available calcium, high quality protein and highly digestible fibre.

Grain Sorghum

A staple food for over 500 million people in 30 countries. Once processed, it supplies a high quality nutrient dense source without common raw starch behavioural changes. (This is grain Sorghum, not sugar Sorghum used to make syrup and ethanol.)


Timothy grass chosen for its contribution to quality nutrition. Accepted as one of the finest grasses available for horse nourishment promoting a shiny coat, good digestion, bowel regularity and healthy weight

Whole soy meal

Non GMO whole soy meal has a balanced amino acid profile that compliments the amino acid pattern of Sorghum. The inclusion also supplies viable amounts of essential fatty acids essential for muscle growth and maintenance.


Rich in fatty acid omega 3, which significantly supports coat and skin health. Nutrient rich, yet low in starch and sugar, it makes for a brilliant conditioning ingredient plus high levels of minerals to aid both the immune system and improve joint health.


Due to its combination of both macro and micro nutrients, kelp is a powerful addition to Dale's feed. It is also host to a huge range of minerals, trace elements, vitamin groups, amino acids, and proteins.

Our Processing

Cutting edge technologies and artisanal skill is at the heart of Dale Moulton’s Equine Nutrition. Wet steam extrusion is used to slowly cook the raw ingredients whilst preserving nutritional content, thereby processing the raw starch and rendering it water soluble. This is game changing for hard feed as it allows the horse's digestive system to treat the feed as if it were grass. Key to the success of Dale Moulton’s Equine Nutrition, starch is digested out in the small intestine instead of passing through to the hind gut; fermenting; and in that process, producing lactic acid and alcohols. Fed in accordance with our instructions, this is how we Feed to Thrive and circumvent the associated blood sugar spikes in our equines. Many owners comment on how much happier and calmer their horses seem shortly after starting Dale Moulton’s Equine Nutrition.

The hind gut pH of a horse is critical to the efficient utilisation of forage grass and hay, a horse’s basic energy source. The most efficient microbial energy converters in a horse’s gut like a more alkaline environment, and this is just what Dale Moulton’s Equine Nutrition supports. Dale’s feed is designed to be fed dry without water to preserve the pH. Due to its crumbly texture, it does not cause choke, even for equines without teeth.

Your Results

Dale Moulton’s Equine Nutrition's unique formulation, treatment of raw starch and comfort in digestion through carefully selected ingredients, extrusion and pH balance, is an excellent choice for performance equines to retirees and everyone in between, regardless of age, height or breed.  Feed to Thrive!

  • Healthy Horse from the Inside Out
  • Supports stable blood sugar mandatory for health and longevity
  • Non-heating creating calm, sustainable energy 
  • Powerful, predictable results
  • Rapidly builds coverage
  • Strong muscle topline and shine
  • Happy, comfortable tummy
  • Dense hoof growth