
"Dale Moulton's Equine Nutrition has been a complete life-saver - quite literally - for my current horse, Alfie."

He suffers from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and was constantly exhausted, underweight and unable to build muscle. With my vet's advice I tried all manner of supplements and diets, but nothing made a significant difference until I tried Thrive Feed. The improvement was obvious immediately. It took several months before the symptoms completely vanished, but now I can confidently say he is a healthy, energetic horse and I would never consider feeding him on anything but Dale Moulton's Equine Nutrition. I highly recommend Feeding to Thrive to my clients, the latest being a nervous, underweight Thoroughbred, who started putting on weight and became totally chilled within a week of starting on his new diet. Why feed anything else?"
Debby Lush, Equestrian Consultant, BD List 1 judge, International dressage rider, World Class Home Coach, author of THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF TRAINING and THE SUCCESSFUL DRESSAGE COMPETITOR.


"I started using Dale Moulton's Equine Nutrition about 5 years ago. My Friesian mare had recently had a foal and was underweight and a little run down from feeding the baby, a fb friend from Texas recommend I try Thrive Feed to help her gain weight and condition."

I found the only supplier in the UK and had 7 bags delivered, I was advised to feed it ad lib so i just filled a dustbin at a time and left it were she could access it at all times. She ate 7 bags in 6 weeks and the change was amazing, not just weight gain but muscle and her coat was like velvet!
We were hooked, I started to feed all my horses Dale Moulton's Equine Nutrition and had some pretty impressive health benefits for my stallion who had lymphatic problems that literally disappeared, also my OAP shetland pony with Cushings has been symptom free for the last 4 years with zero medication.
My business is Blackhorse Horsemanship and every horse that comes into my care gets Feed to Thrive I simply wouldn't use anything else. It's nutritionally perfect and I don’t have to worry about adding anything or feeding to horses with gut issues. Nothing like it. Simply an amazing feed, thank you Dale Moulton."

Karolynna Tytko, Yorkshire

"We have been feeding Alfie with Dale Moulton's Equine Nutrition for the past twelve months and are delighted with the results"

Alfie was a really fussy eater and being a big horse who can stress easily we found it tricky to maintain his weight all year round. From the moment we introduced Dale Moulton's Equine Nutrition he finished every last mouthful and has regulated his weight, we simply increase or decrease the amount we feed according to his work load and roughage availability.
Alexandria Randell

"I now have been completely converted. I now have a muscled, calm and ulcer free horse that's healthy from the inside out."

Wex - before Thrive

Wez - before

Wez - after

Before we discovered Dale Moulton's Equine Nutrition, Wez was a very different horse. I’ve owned Wez for about a year and at the start of our first winter together in 2019. He become very skinny and stopped eating hard feed and hay. That’s when we also discovered he had grade 3 gastric squamous ulcers. But at the time he was also on box rest following a field injury meaning any grazing was very limited. Therefore he continued to lose weight as he was eating very little hay and hard fed. So we started to try everything. From ready grass to some of the most expensive specialist ulcer and weight building feeds. We also started to add oils, molasses and other additives which we thought, at the time, was the right thing to do. But still no results. Then a friend recommended Dale Moulton's Equine Nutrition and at first I was sceptical as I was worried about suddenly taking Wez off gut balancers, muscle building and ulcer supplements (which I found out later that they weren’t doing anything anyway). I was also worried that wasn’t going to like it as it was dry and low in sugar. However, I now have been completely converted. I now have a muscled, calm and ulcer free horse that's healthy from the inside out. The weight has gone on all the right places but he has remained level headed through the whole feeding up process. Another big difference Dale Moulton's Equine Nutrition has made is Wez now eats so much hay which he never used to touch. So overall the change in Wez has just been amazing.

Maddy Spring