Compensating for Captivity

Posted by Beth Cooper on

Horses were never meant to live in the conditions we subject them to as owners. They are nomadic, opportunistic foragers of plant based food. When in a feral, natural state they live on grasses, leaves, twigs, bark, roots, wood, fruits, seeds in small quantities and weeds. If you are going to take a horse out of their natural and varied environment and food source, you have to compensate correctly. There are so many different opinions and options that owners are overwhelmed with options. It’s hard to go wrong though if you go back to basics.

A horse’s digestive system is very specific regarding what type of products it can process effectively. You can’t break the established laws of nature and expect to get away with it, there’s a way things work. The rules are inflexible, and if you depart from them there are consequences. Homeostasis, or dynamic balance, is the way a mammal should live their life, but that way is compromised when inappropriate products are eaten, by both horses and humans! Sure… you can feed your horse normal horse feed and they can look shiny and healthy, but what’s going on inside your horse may be a very different story.

My feeding concept takes into account the incredibly important adrenal glands and supports them to provide the pathway to abundant energy. Many horse’s and humans live in an energy deficit, hence all the performance supplements for horses and energy drinks for humans. We are killing ourselves with this crap and the horses are not much better off.

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