Let’s Keep Thriving

Posted by Hiedi Marcus on

Dear Friends of Thrive,

We hope you and your four leggeds are very well and indeed thriving!

Towards the end of 2021 our feed mill and our delivery company both increased their cost of supply to Two Mares, which only exists to provide Thrive to us all.

Keen not to pass on more cost to you all at that time, we have just about managed to break even.  We all know what Thrive means to our horses, but recognise too that it is not an inexpensive option.  We do not run the business to make a profit, but we do need it to be able to cover our costs to continue.

Unfortunately due to inflationary pressures, both our feed mill and haulier are now increasing their prices again which means that if we do not follow suit, Two Mares will sadly become unsustainable.

Accordingly, from January 2023 we will have no choice but to have our first price increase since we started the business back in 2018. We are very sorry to say that the cost per bag will increase by 7.5% and our delivery costs by a similar amount, simply reflecting and passing on a portion of the increase of costs to us by our two key suppliers.  As said, we absolutely ARE NOT in the business to make a profit for ourselves:  the objective was only ever to safeguard distribution in Europe for all those who feel as passionately as we do about Thrive Feed.

Anyone placing an order before the end of the year will be charged at today’s prices.

We can only apologise for this news, but hope that you all understand.

Sending all good wishes,

Beth and Hiedi

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